We are privileged to help the military wives who do it all!
- A servicewoman preparing for deployment to the Middle East smiles with relief. She knows her husband and two children will enjoy balanced meals while she is away.
- A young couple tell our volunteers how their children are no longer suffering from malnutrition thanks to the fresh fruit and vegetables we provide.
- A pregnant military wife thanks us for the nutritious food. It is the reason she overcame gestational diabetes and had a healthy baby girl.
- A young boy squeals in delight while munching on fresh strawberries as his Mom visits with our volunteers.
- A group of single Marines are truly grateful for a crockpot. They aren’t allowed to cook over an open-flame in the barracks. A crockpot lets them prepare hot and healthy meals before they go to work in the morning.

A letter from an extremely grateful military spouse…
September 22, 2013
Dear Sita and Helping Hands,
In 2012 our family moved to Camp Pendleton when I was pregnant with our child. Due to the move, I had lost my employment leaving us solely dependent on my husband’s income. Soon after moving to Camp Pendleton, the need to use our savings became a necessity to maintain our basic household needs. Unfortunately, as we quickly learned, the cost of living here in Camp Pendleton/California is so much more than other bases we have lived at, but our pay is the same no matter where we live. In addition to a higher cost of living, me losing my employment and multiple medical treatments that required travel, costs were adding to an already strained budget. A fellow spouse who knew of the hardships our family was facing gave me the information for Helping Hand Worldwide food distribution in San Onofre.
There are no words or way that our family can express how grateful we are for these giveaways. It has impacted our lives emotionally and physically and spiritually. With a most heartfelt and sincere Thank you to Sita Helms and everyone else that donates their time, money or even personal items,
we appreciate you. With all the stresses that come along with being a military family such as deployments, trainings, and multiple moves it is a great relief to know that having healthy food on our dinner table is not something we continually need to stress about!
The Helping Hand Worldwide food distribution was a life changer for our family! Thank-you!